This is a place for me to share the translations of X Japan videos and comics I have! I don't speak or read any Japanese unfortunately, so everything here was translated by people on Fiverr using my own money.
Because I put real money into this I ask that you do not repost anything on this page, UNLESS this page goes down.
There have been many dedicated X sites and fanpages that have been taken down or lost over the years, who knows how long this one will last! That's why while I dont want any reposting for now, saving and keeping things on your own computer is greatly encouraged! So that way if this site goes away, you have permissin to repost and share that content. Otherwise please just direct people here if they're curious!
For any concerns/questions/or whatever reason you have please contact me at
I can't garuantee I'll reply quickly but I never have anything to do so I welcome your messages!